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    Welcome to the Inspired Warehouse Affiliate Program where promoting us, benefits you.

    This is how it works:

    Sign up by clicking the link and filling in your information. Once approved, you are ready to log in to the backend of your account. The backend is where you can track your activity and get links and banners.

    Next, you simply grab the code of our well designed banners or links and embed it on your website or blog. You can even share a link or banner with your Facebook community and a variety of other social media sites.

    It’s about to get fun because every time someone clicks on your link or banner and they buy, you will earn 12% of the purchase. Everything is tracked in the backend of your account so you can always be up to date with your earnings.

    It's that easy!

    So if we have a product you believe in and you want to make some cash on the side, sign up for the Inspired Warehouse Affiliate Program now and lets get started.